1. On live match dont leave the server! 
2. Entering capturing zones without tank is strictly forbidden
3. When your vehicle is destroyed in the zone you have to leave it immediately (suicide is your best option)
4. Do not shoot to mainbases.
Rules about recording:
If there are more players at one side, thats not a problem, the best activity ( kill+death+flag capture+tk) players of side will be counted.
Example; recinf2v2 but there are 4 players on axis side; than the 2 best activity player will be counted.
If disconnenting players its not problem, program save this players, so only one player need play to round end and your match is valid.
If map change happend during record, then if play time more than 10 min then this match is valid.
If u write rectank2v2 but later you want 3v3 then write rectank3v3 in game.
Restarting the game is deleting the record. 
And finally,  do not forget that your record control statements working only in global chat!! ( K )